Air Conditioning Service & Maintenance

Preventing Problems One Call At A Time

What: What is Air Conditioning Service & Maintenance?

In Florida, more than any other southern state, this is an extremely necessary service. It’s basically a requirement to live comfortably, especially in the summer. Okeechobee has a five-month-long hot season, with an average high temperature of 87℉. Also, it’s very, very humid for seven months of the year.

That said, making sure your AC works is no joke. And how do you do that? By making sure your air conditioning unit is regularly serviced and cared for. It can only care for you and your family if it gets its share, too.

Air conditioning service is an annual check-up. During this checkup, all moving parts are checked for any issues, the filter is changed, and the outside is cleared of any existing obstructions. Usually, the technician handles a number of small issues, which helps prevent major, much more expensive ones. Cleanliness is a big part of this process, as dirt, dust, pests (their waste), and debris can all affect a unit's performance.

Ultimately, the goal of an air conditioner service call is to prevent safety and performance hazards.


Who: Locals Who Will Be There For You

Residents in Florida have more reason than most homeowners to keep special eye on their AC units. The average use of an airconditioner is just way higher. That means things can break a lot sooner than our northern counterparts because of sheer usage.

Here at Okeechobee Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, we are a local team that faces all the same challenges in our own homes. Sure, we live by a big body of freshwater (meaning less saltwater erosion), but it’s still Florida with all its other hazards and high temperatures.

Our main goal is your satisfaction. We will do everything we can to keep your current unit running and provide you with the most affordable options possible when its time comes to an end. Your AC is important, but your family’s health and safety is paramount.

We work to be of help to our clients, not another problem. With annual air conditioning service, we can support that goal because a service costs a lot less than a whole new unit.

Don't Wake Up To A Broken Unit

Where: Areas We Provide AC Service & Maintenance

If you are not located within the designated service area, please feel free to call and find out if we can service your area.

When: When Should You Book This

Air conditioning service and maintenance should be performed ONCE A YEAR or annually. We also recommend not doing it over the course of the summer.

Your unit is going to be working like crazy during the hot months, and if it’s not running as efficiently as possible (due to obstructions, dirt, or malfunctioning parts), you’ll see that directly translated on your electric bill.

Also, the summer and a few months prior are the busiest season for air conditioning companies, so it will be harder to book. So, we always recommend that you book service outside, specifically before the hottest season. That way, you are able to face the harshest weather in the most prepared state.

PLEASE do not skip out on your air conditioning service and maintenance to save money. Without regular maintenance and care, you could be signing yourself up to buy an entirely new unit on a very hot day of the year, which just makes for a miserable experience all around.

If you are concerned about remembering this extremely important check-up, consider signing up for a maintenance agreement where we remember and complete the service for you. 


Why: The Benefits, Why You Should Keep Up With This

We know you have a lot going on. Trust that we get it, but you do not want to wake up on one hot, sticky morning to nothing blowing out those little vents.

Like any mechanical device, air conditioning units break down. They are made to last for years and years, but they can only do so when properly cared for. Annual check-ups for your unit and its performance allow for early detection (issues can stay on the cheap side) and preventative maintenance (problems are handled before they ever become problems).

Some of the primary benefits of regular air conditioner maintenance include

  • Lower electric bill due to improved energy efficiency
  • Less repair costs
  • Longer performance of the system
  • Improved performance of the system

If it’s not broken, we will make sure it stays that way.

How: How Air Conditioning Service Works

While every air conditioning company is going to have its own exact process, you can expect a pattern. In our experience, an AC service appointment is going to include the following to be examined, calibrated, or cleaned.

  • Thermostat
  • Airflow
  • Safety controls
  • Air handler
  • Blower components
  • Condensor coils
  • Electrical connections
  • Refrigerant pressure
  • Drip pan
  • Condensation drain lines

When your tech has wrapped all that up, they’ll report back their findings and let you know if anything does or will need repair. They might also have suggestions to improve the unit’s performance.


FAQ: Frequently asked questions about AC service and maintenance

An air conditioner service is an annual appointment where your technician will check that everything is running properly. This means cleaning and lubricating moving parts, maximizing airflow, and handling any small part replacements.

It’s a preventive service that keeps your system running for as long as possible, saving you on much bigger bills like replacing your unit.


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