Commercial Air Conditioning Services

A Solution To An Annoying Problem

What: What are Commercial Air Conditioning Services?

When the AC in your home breaks down, it’s an inconvenience. When the AC in your business breaks down, it’s a big problem. Commercial air conditioning services are built with that urgency in mind. Whether you have an office, store front, or eatery, you need a steadfast, powerful unit to keep that place as cool as you need.

Commercial air conditioning services, which include everything from regular maintenance and repairs to full-blown replacement, are all about serving larger spaces, meeting code specifications, and ensuring an optimum performance that supports your business—not hinders it.

Below, we detail each aspect of these services.


What: Maintenance

This service is all about preventing larger, more expensive repairs by keeping your unit happy. The system keeping your facility cool is much more complicated than what’s cooling off your home, which means there is a lot more that can go wrong.

With regular maintenance and servicing, we can prevent as many issues as possible. For those we can’t prevent, we can address them immediately and get your system back up to optimum efficiency.

If you are stressing about remembering your yearly AC maintenance appointment (on top of everything else), you might consider signing up for a maintenance agreement—you can read about those here.

What: Repair

For all the things that can go wrong in these complex systems, something eventually will. No mechanical device can go on forever. So, when you notice ANY of the following, we suggest you reach out to a pro to address it.

  • Abnormal noises (i.e. rattling or screeching)
  • Weak output
  • Unnecessarily high energy bill
  • The system never shuts off (short-cycling)

What: Replacement

There are times when even the highest level of service isn’t enough to keep a unit running, and when you reach that point, it’s time for a replacement. After years of wear and tear, even a high-quality industrial system will kick the bucket.

Replacing commercial air conditioners is all about meeting the business needs (a new, working unit) as quickly and effectively as possible. It’s a big, costly job no matter who you work with, so you need to know that you can trust the team to do the job right and do it once. You can’t afford to keep the doors closed and the tab open—we get it.

What: Installation

While servicing your unit regularly is important, none of that stuff will matter if the installation was done wrong. The long-term operation of your unit heavily depends on the success of that very first step. That is what we keep in mind when performing installs. You might have to shift and change the plan around to meet the needs of the project, but fundamentally, our goal is to set you up for years to come.


Who: Okeechobee Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

As a State of Florida Certified Class A Licensed contractor, we are confident in our ability to meet any of your air conditioning and refrigeration needs. If you couldn’t tell by the name, we handle all types of AC services, commercial refrigeration, and more. We’ve been in this industry for two generations and we’re hoping for many more, which means our reputation matters a lot to us.

No matter what you need, you can trust that we are solely focused on your ease and comfort throughout this process. You’ve likely found yourself in the midst of a very big problem.

We'll Get Things Running Again

Where: Areas We Serve

If you are not located within the designated service area, please feel free to call and find out if we can service your area.

When: When To Book Commercial AC Services

Usually, people look up these kinds of services because they are in a pickle and are actively looking for a solution. Maintenance is nice, but your unit isn’t blowing right now; it’s getting hot in there, and you are stressed.

So, we’ll skip right to the point.


When: When Your Unit Isn’t Working Right

Just let when a body part hurts; something that you usually never notice is screaming for attention. That’s how broken AC units can feel. They should just be doing their thing, and right now, it’s not. Your whole operation will probably have to stop. We recommend calling in ASAP.

The most common signs that your system needs repair include

  • It won’t turn on. This can be due to an overheated system, wiring issues, or a tripped breaker.
  • It’s making a squealing noise. That usually means the fan belt is worn out and waiting to snap, which can cause a lot of other issues.
  • It’s shaking or vibrating a lot - ? Approved
  • It’s making a hissing sound. This is likely due to a refrigerant leak, which means that the area leaking is going to need repair.
  • It’s blowing warm air. Warm air is either due to a frozen evaporator coil (an indication of dirty air filters, poor circulation, or some other cause) or a defective compressor (this can be an expensive problem).
  • It’s not blowing at all. The fan motor, whether broken or impaired, is likely the problem.
  • It’s leaking. The most common reason water makes its way outside of designated areas is that it’s been forced out. Dirt, insects, algae, and other debris are probable to have built up in the condensation drain.

When: When Your Unit Has Died

Again, this is not a situation you want to find yourself in, but here we are. When commercial AC services are really needed, specifically replacement, things are usually looking pretty dire from the customer’s perspective.

If you’ve suddenly stumbled into this situation, we understand that it is not ideal. And so, it needs to be handled with care. If you have an urgent need, we will work carefully and quickly to get it done.

We will not leave you hanging.

If you are not here out of sudden, dire necessity, please read below.


When: When You’re Thinking You Need A New One

Owning a business means keeping your eyes peeled for solutions. These might be solutions to future, past, or present problems, but when you oversee big operations, you are constantly looking. And now, you’ve been thinking about getting that system you’ve had for a (very) long time replaced.

Replacing your commercial air conditioning system (before it’s dead) can have a lot of benefits, including

  • You get to plan and control the process. From a logistics standpoint, it’s nice not to be surprised by a massive project with an equally massive bill.
  • Your energy bill will decrease. Older systems have to work harder to keep up with your current climate. They weren’t usually made for the type of capacity required today, so an upgrade can result in much lower cooling costs.
  • It will be better at cooling your facility. New systems are more reliable, more efficient, and are built to have better output, meaning you’ll actually be able to tell the AC is working.
  • It will be more efficient and environmentally friendly. Not only is today’s refrigerant better for the environment, but the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is double that of older systems.
  • It will have an updated warranty. If something does break, it’s likely covered (and therefore not your wallet’s responsibility).
  • There might be rebates and incentives available. You’ll have to check with local and federal offers, but more efficient systems often qualify.

If you are concerned about your system’s performance or remaining lifespan, you’ll want to act BEFORE it’s completely outdated or simply not working.

When: When Your System Just Needs Care

If you are trying to figure out when to book commercial air conditioning services and your system just needs maintenance and care, then we recommend booking that within 1 year from your system’s last service appointment.

We especially recommend that you have that work done BEFORE the summer hits because the increased output, humidity, and high temperatures could very well result in issues. It’s also a very busy time for any AC company out there, which means booking an appointment gets harder and harder.

If worrying about keeping up with your system needs feels like yet another thing you have to remember OR ELSE, we recommend considering a service agreement. Your business pays a regular fee, and we take care of everything else. You can read more about those here.


Types: Types of Commercial Air Conditioning Systems We Service

While we’ve never encountered a system we didn’t like, below, we’ve laid out every type we consider “commercial air conditioning services.”

  • Ductless Mini-Splits—An indoor unit that is mounted up on the ceiling or a wall
  • Packaged Systems—These dispense air in a similar way as a split system, but unlike split systems, the condensing and evaporator systems are set together in a single unit.
  • Split Systems—By far the most common commercial AC system, split systems have an indoor evaporator system and an outdoor condensing unit, and they use ductwork to connect them all together.
  • Evaporative Cooler Systems—These systems, which are usually used in dry climates, remove heat from the air using evaporation and are set on the roof.
  • Window & Floor Model Systems—These are generally used to cool a single room/area and are set up in a window or on the floor.


The unit that is cooling your house is much, much smaller than any system used in a facility. First, the spaces are often much larger than the usual home. Second, the temperature maintained is not up to preference but instead code and regulation.

For example, stores are kept so cool as to keep bugs out. That is not a requirement in your home.

So, the main difference between these types of services is the sheer size of the system. Another key difference is that the types of units used for businesses have a much wider range than those used for homes.


We're Here To Be A Solution