You deserve good work. That’s the only kind we do.

Know What You’re Getting, Every Service We Offer

Contractors—no matter the specialty—have a bad rap these days. And it’s more than fair. Their fees are never what they say. They aren’t on time. They don’t do a good job. They leave the site worse than they found it. The list goes on.

We know that you are hesitant. You need to get this work done ASAP, but who do you trust?

Here at Okeechobee Air, we believe in treating others how we’d wish to be treated. And that’s not just a line. We aren’t here to catastrophize, squeeze in fees, and make your life harder. We’re here to be a solution. Every service we offer is listed and explained below. That way, you can know what you’re getting from the beginning.

OKEECHOBEE Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Annual air conditioning maintenance appointments are some of our most important calls. When your AC is properly cared for, you can make that puppy last. No one wants to replace their AC, and even fewer people want to do it often.

AC services and maintenance keep your unit running. They are performed yearly (hopefully before summer) and give your unit the best shot at a long life. They cost $160, and if anyone tries to tell you that their maintenance calls are performed for significantly cheaper, beware.

You can book your annual AC maintenance visit here.

Sometimes, we know our air conditioning needs help, and sometimes, we are completely taken off guard. When that day comes, we hope you call us. Right off the bat, we’ll tell you that a diagnostic (the name for this kind of appointment) costs $180. We have to get out there to see what’s going on.

From there, our guys will let you know what repairs are necessary and what they will cost. They will let you know if they have the parts on hand or need to retrieve them, but no matter what, we will work our damnedest to get you back up and running.

No matter how well cared for a unit is, it will eventually meet its end. When that day comes, we want you to be prepared. Nothing is cheap these days, and AC install is no exception. Having your whole unit replaced and updated can and will save you money in energy costs, but the upfront cost is something to consider.

That is why we recommend that you PLAN to replace your AC rather than wait for the day to come so that you can plan for that cost.

Commercial needs can be quite a bit heavier than residential ones. If your house is having issues it’s annoying, but when your business is it can be incredibly costly. Not only is time of the essence, but so is efficiency. We are prepared to work on much larger units and solve much bigger problems.

Our goal with commercial services is to get your business back to normal—even better if we can help it.

Commercial Hood Cleaning

Commercial Kitchen exhaust cleaning (often referred to as hood cleaning) is the process of removing grease that has accumulated inside the ducts, hoods, fans, and vents of commercial kitchen exhaust systems.

Left uncleaned, kitchen exhaust systems eventually accumulate enough grease to become a fire hazard.

Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether cleaning is needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.

HVAC services refer to all necessary repairs to a system in the event of an issue or breakdown in your system.

HVAC maintenance is the work we do to prevent the above. It focuses on improving the performance and longevity of your system. Although they are two separate services, they live under the same umbrella.

Air Duct Cleaning & Sanitizing

Air duct cleaning refers to the process of removing dust and debris from your air ducts. This is typically done with a powerful vacuum that sucks up all the dirt and grime, leaving your air ducts clean and clear. 

Air duct sanitizing and disinfecting can be used interchangeably. This process involves using chemicals to kill any bacteria or mold that may be present in your air ducts. This is an important step in preventing the spread of illness and keeping your home clean and healthy.

Sometimes, cleaning alone is enough to improve indoor air quality. However, it’s a good idea to sanitize periodically to prevent mold or bacteria from growing in your ducts.

A Note On The Dangers of Dirty Air Ducts

Since your air ducts live out of sight, they also tend to stay out of mind, which can be problematic.

Dirty air ducts are—at the very least—really gross and can cause all sorts of problems in your home. For one, it can lead to poor indoor air quality, exacerbating allergies and respiratory problems. Additionally, dirty air ducts provide the perfect environment for bacteria and mold to thrive.

These contaminants can then circulate through your home, causing a variety of illnesses. That’s why keeping your air ducts clean and free of any harmful contaminants is so important.

OKEECHOBEE Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Okeechobee Air Conditioning

You have needs, and we’re qualified to meet them. We are dedicated to being a solution, not another problem. You have enough of those.

Here at Okeechobee Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, we are a State of Florida Certified Class A Licensed contractor who is able to meet all of your HVAC needs. We’ve put a lot of work (two generations worth) into solidifying our reputation for quality and results.

That means, we will never leave you behind. You can expect the best from us because we are the best.

Where: Areas We Serve

If you are not located within the designated service area, please feel free to call and find out if we can service your area.

Why Book AC Services Sooner Rather Than Later

AC units are large mechanical peices of equipment that so much of your life revolves around and you don’t even know it. Especially in South-Central Florida, we are completely at the mercy of conditioned air.

In the summer? Don’t even think about it.

So, you need to care for it. And here is why.


#1. Save Money

Would you rather pay for an oil change or having your engine replaced? Paying for maintenance care is far cheaper than paying for repairs.

#2. Energy Costs

Your electric bill is going to be higher if your AC unit is working poorly. It has a temperature to maintain, which means it will work to do that even if it’s not working well.


Our Process

One of the worst parts of being a part of the trades these days is watching our fellow tradespeople gatekeep crucial information. We believe that education is the best way to get results. You deserve to know what to expect, what’s going on, and what the result is.

That’s why we’ve laid out our entire process below, including

  • Maintenance
  • Diagnosis
  • Repair
  • Replacement
  • Service Agreements


Hopefully, all you ever need from us are annual maintenance appointments where we help make sure your unit is running as well as possible, especially in the warmer months.


In moments where things aren’t running so well, we come out and see what the problem is, explain our findings, and chart the most effective way forward.


Sometimes, repairs can happen immediately. Sometimes, more parts are required. Either way, repairs follow a diagnosis since we have to understand the problem before we fix it.

Replacement & Installation

Whether you’ve been able to prepare for AC installation or have been taken off guard, the process is basically the same—you need a new AC. First, we work to understand your needs, your budget, and the best equipment to cover it all. Then, we work with your schedule and unique AC setup to get the job done with as little mess and inconvenience as possible, which is always the goal.

Service Agreement

You have enough going on, but keeping your AC healthy can make or break your summer—especially on the really hot days. So, we recommend joining a service agreement that handles that for you. 

When you call in, ask us about our service agreements. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Services

Air conditioning services include any task that helps your unit function but is too complicated or involved for the average owner to complete. Generally, they include annual services, checking all moving parts, and repairing any evident issues.
